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Insuring your Pet

Pets are part of our families, they bring joy, companionship, and unconditional love. However, as much as we love them, they can also become a financial burden if they require unexpected medical attention. This is where pet insurance comes in. Pet insurance can help you cover unexpected veterinary bills and provide peace of mind in knowing that your pet will receive the best possible care without the added stress of a financial burden.

Pet Insurance provides financial protection, like humans, pets can fall ill or get injured unexpectedly. In some cases, these illnesses or injuries can require expensive medical attention, such as surgeries or hospitalisations. Pet insurance can help you cover these costs, ensuring that your pet receives the necessary care without breaking the bank. It can also:

  • Prevent difficult decisions: When faced with a sick or injured pet, the last thing you want to worry about is how to pay for their care. Without pet insurance, you may be forced to make difficult decisions about your pet’s treatment or even consider euthanasia if the cost of treatment is too high. Pet insurance can prevent these difficult decisions by providing the financial support you need to provide your pet with the best possible care.
  • Cover a variety of treatments: Pet insurance can cover a wide range of treatments, including surgeries, hospitalizations, medications, and potentially even alternative therapies like acupuncture or hydrotherapy. This means that no matter what your pet needs, you can rest assured that you will be able to provide it without worrying about the cost.
  • Save money in the long run: While pet insurance does require a monthly premium, it can save you money in the long run by reducing the cost of unexpected veterinary bills. By paying a small amount each month, you can avoid large bills down the road, which can be especially important if your pet requires ongoing medical care.
  • Provide peace of mind: Perhaps most importantly, pet insurance provides peace of mind. You never know when your pet may require unexpected medical attention, and having pet insurance can provide comfort in knowing that you will be able to provide them with the care they need without the added stress of a financial burden.

Pet insurance is an important investment for pet owners. It can provide financial protection, prevent difficult decisions, cover a wide range of treatments, save money in the long run, and provide peace of mind. So, if you haven’t already, consider investing in pet insurance for your furry friend, have a chat with us today.

Traveling With Pets

Taking a road trip with your pet in Australia can be a great way to explore the country and create lasting memories with your furry friend. However, it’s important to make sure that you’re prepared and have everything you need to ensure a safe and comfortable journey for your pet.

Here are some tips for road tripping with your pet in Australia:

  • Plan your route and accommodation in advance
    Before hitting the road, plan out your route and make sure you know where you’ll be staying along the way. Look for pet-friendly accommodations, such as hotels or campgrounds, and make sure you book in advance to ensure availability. Remember pets are not allowed into National Parks.
  • Pack for your pet’s needs
    Make sure you pack all the essentials your pet will need for the trip, such as food, water, bowls, toys, and bedding. It’s also important to bring any necessary medication and a first aid kit for emergencies. We can help with a first aid kit.
  • Ensure your pet is comfortable during the drive
    Make sure your pet is comfortable during the drive by providing them with a comfortable spot to rest and plenty of ventilation. If your pet gets anxious during car rides, consider using a calming spray like Adaptil or bringing along their favorite toy or blanket to help them feel more secure.
  • Take breaks and give your pet exercise
    It’s important to take breaks every few hours to give your pet a chance to stretch their legs and go to the bathroom. Look for rest stops or dog parks along your route where your pet can get some exercise and play.
  • Follow the local laws and regulations

It’s important to be aware of the potential risks of certain diseases that your pet may encounter. One of the most common and dangerous diseases is tick paralysis. The ixodes holocyclus tick is located on the eastern seaboard of Victoria, this causes an ascending paralysis that is fatal if not treated. Bravecto and Nexgard spectra are two effective flea/tick preventatives we recommend to help reduce the chance of a tick bite.
Heartworm, which is transmitted by infected mosquitoes is another potentially fatal disease. Heartworm can cause serious damage to your pet’s heart, lungs, and other organs, and can even be fatal if left untreated. To protect your pet from heartworm, make sure they are up-to-date on their preventative medication, this is available in various forms, including pills, topical treatments, and injections. Speak with us about the best option for your pet and make sure to administer it as directed.

In addition to heartworm disease and paralysis tick, there is a new emerging disease in Australia called Ehrlichliosis. This disease is transmitted by the bite of the brown dog tick and causes potentially fatal disease including organ shutdown, Bravecto and Nextgard are recommended for dogs traveling into the northern parts of Australia.

Whilst we have no treatments to prevent encounters with cane toads, they also pose a threat to our domestic pets. The toxin they excrete on the backs is dangerous when ingested. If a dog was to mouth or bite a cane toad they will likely be exposed. So keep your pets on leash and be aware of toads, snakes, spiders, crocodiles and other deadly creatures found in Australia.

Overall, traveling with your pet can be a wonderful experience, but it’s important to take the necessary precautions to keep them safe and healthy. By staying informed and prepared, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable trip for both you and your furry friend.
It is so important for you to see us before you travel so our team can ensure you have all the information you need for a safe adventure!

End of Life Care

Euthanasia is a difficult choice for every pet owner. We are here to support you through this period to help guide you and support you in your decision.
We wish our pets would live forever, but we know that they do not. In most cases the decision to euthanize a loved pet is made to end or prevent suffering at the end of life. Euthanasia is a kindness that we can offer our pets that is often not afforded to our human loved ones.

We know the decision is difficult and the loss of a beloved pet is heartbreaking. We pride ourselves on providing compassionate and caring end of life services.
From our dedicated euthanasia “lounge room” to allow for a longer and private goodbye when requested. We use relaxant and sedative medications to ensure that your pet is calm and relaxed during the entire process.
We welcome family members to be present to help support you alongside our team.
The euthanasia process is tailored to each individual family and pet. Some families do not want to be present, others want to stay until the end.
The separate euthanasia space means you can take the time that you need before and after the euthanasia.
We use the services of Eden Hills Cremation to take care of your beloved pet’s body. With communal or private cremation available. Individual urns, wooden boxes or jewelry can all be chosen to store the ash of your beloved pet.
If you or your family members need further support following the loss of your pet, we are again available to advise and guide you to help you in your grief recovery.
Our aim is to provide a relaxed and dignified end for your beloved pet, whilst ensuring your emotional wellbeing is supported.

If you’re not sure whether it is time to put your pet to sleep, there are 3 Simple Ways to Evaluate Your Pet’s Quality of Life
1. Make a list of the top five things your pet loved to do. If they can no longer enjoy most of these activities, it may be time to reflect on their overall quality of life.
2. Looking back at photos or videos of how your pet looked and behaved before their illness. Gradual changes can be hard to notice, so reviewing these can help you notice the differences more clearly.
3 .Track your pet’s good and bad days on a calendar or diary. If the bad days begin to outnumber the good, it might be time to consider their overall quality of life.

We also offer Quality of Life Consultations, these consults guide you and provide some answers that you need. If you would like to make a time for this discussion please give us a call.

Puppy & Kitten Care Essentials

The first two months in the new home


You are expecting to hear the pitter patter of tiny paws. Whoever said money can’t buy happiness didn’t know about puppies and kittens!
There are a few things that you need to know in order to give your puppy the best start to life with you. First things first, once you pick up your new fur baby, register with us so we can help you both enjoy a long, happy and healthy life together.

Medical Essentials


Just like human babies, puppies and dogs need vaccinations to protect them from a range of diseases. Some diseases are fatal, so please don’t put your puppy at risk!

It is recommended that you vaccinate your dog at the following ages

  • 6-8 weeks old*
  • 11-12 weeks old 
  • 16 weeks old

* The first vaccination is usually given by the breeder or rescue organisation, you should receive a proof of vaccination.

When you visit the vet clinic with your puppy keep it in your arms or in a carrier until you enter the consult room.  
Do not take your puppy out into public places until your veterinarian advises that it is safe to do so.
If you would like detailed information on our vaccination protocols and safe socialisation options for young puppies, please click here.

Parasite Prevention

Worms and fleas can cause significant illness in puppies and large infestations have been known to kill young animals. As such, we recommend that you routinely treat to prevent parasites:

  • Intestinal worms: every 2 weeks, and then switch to monthly treatments when your puppy is over 12 weeks old
  • Fleas: monthly, ensuring the product is appropriate for the puppy’s age
  • Heartworm: monthly, or via a long acting treatment

It is extremely important that you weigh your puppy before applying the treatment, and give a dose that is more than adequate for their current weight.
If you have any questions about what to use, when or how, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Our friendly nursing staff can provide advice over the phone, you can also book a complimentary nurse puppy health consult, for a more detailed discussion, weight check and assistance with administration of any products purchased on the day.

Growth & Development


From little things big things grow… What you feed your puppy is very important. Giving them a good start in life is the best thing you can do to ensure they will be happy and healthy for years to come.

Many things such as size, breed, age, exercise and growth rates need to be taken into account when considering the best food for your puppy. It is recommended that you feed specific puppy food, to ensure they can grow to their full potential and avoid diet-related health problems.
In Australia, pet food must clearly state if they are a complete diet for pets, or a supplement, so look for diets that are clearly labelled as a complete diet for puppies.
We can help you choose the best option whether you have a large breed puppy (25 kg+ as an adult) who needs a puppy food formulated to ensure proper bone and muscle growth, or a small breed puppy with a little mouth who may need smaller kibble.

Foods  to avoid: 

  • bones (raw and cooked)
  • raw meats, particularly chicken
  • home cooked diets, unless the diet was formulated by a veterinary nutritionist
  • hard chews & treats
Puppy Preschool Classes

A puppy’s “socialisation period” ends at around 4 months old, it is extremely important that you give your puppy a range of positive, and varied, social experiences before this time. Puppy Preschool Classes at Newtown Veterinary Clinic are a 4 week class that covers basic training and how to take care of your new pup. These classes are held regularly but we recommend that you book early, to secure your puppy a spot.


It’s never too early to think about preventing an unplanned pregnancy – a 6 month old puppy can become pregnant! Speak with us today to find out the appropriate age to desex your dog to prevent unplanned pregnancy.

Health issues

If your puppy is acting flat or unwell in any way, please immediately seek veterinary attention. Puppies can deteriorate quickly, so it is vital that you act quickly. You can call our clinic or Geelong Animal Emergency after 5pm.

Other Things…


It is compulsory for all cats & dogs to be microchipped and registered with the council.
In addition to the microchip, your puppy should wear some sort of external, waterproof identification that clearly displays your phone number.


We strongly recommend that you consider pet insurance and encourage you to do your own research on which policy is best for your pet and financial situation. Standard inclusions vary from policy to policy, and prices vary depending on the pet’s breed and age. Comprehensive and independent information on pet insurance is available on the Choice website.

Puppy PreSchool

Why is Puppy PreSchool Important?

From the age of 1 to 3 months old, the canine brain is wired to easily bond with their family and learn about the world. During this critical period, puppies determine what is safe and what is not. Puppies that are not socialised during this period, tend to be fearful of anything unfamiliar, this could be people, dogs, other animals, sounds and physical aspects of their changing environment.

Socialisation goes beyond simply meeting other dogs, it involves exposing your puppy to a wide range of interactions with different people, pets and places. Having positive experiences during these encounters helps your pup become well-rounded and adaptable, reducing the likelihood of fear and anxiety in new situations.
Puppy PreSchool provides early socialisation, teaches basic training inc toilet training tips and tricks (which is hard work!) in a controlled environment. Making PreSchool a positive and bonding experience for you and your pup.

How is NVC Puppy School different?

Attending Puppy PreSchool is essential to help shape a well-adjusted, well-behaved dog.
There are so many options for Puppy PreSchool that it can seem overwhelming to select the best options for your puppy and your family. Newtown Veterinary Clinic Puppy PreSchool , aims to provide a social, safe and enjoyable experience for puppies while providing support to the new “pet parents” during what can be an intense and tricky stage of the puppy’s life.

Our Puppy PreSchool classes focus on positive reinforcement and run by our qualified and experienced Veterinary Nurses.
We teach training techniques aligned with the behavioral theory advocated by veterinary experts. The curriculum and Puppy PreSchool handbook included in the course are by Australian Veterinarian Dr. Jen Nesbitt-Hawes BVSc (Hons) MVSt (Wild Med) MANZCVS (Vet Behaviour).
Dog owners are taught basic obedience training and how to understand their puppy’s emotional states and canine body language. By using positive reinforcement techniques, we maximise your puppy’s ability to learn and bond with their new family.
We also limit the age and number of puppies in each class to ensure that both puppies and humans are not overwhelmed, and making the play sessions safe and enjoyable.

Course inclusions

  • Comprehensive Puppy School Guidebook, a valuable resource for use during and after the course.
  • Headshot of your puppy
  • Free ongoing training advice from our experienced nursing team
  • Human-only discussion class
  • Your puppy is invited to three training and socialisation sessions

*Please note: No refund policy applies.

DIY Dog Wash

We have a “Do it Yourself” Dog Wash in the carpark behind the clinic, entry of Gregory Ave.  Open 7 days a week 24 hours a day.

Paywave and token payment options are available.  (Tokens can be purchased from reception during business hours)

Shampoo, conditioner, rinse and blow-dry options are all built in, however, you are welcome to bring your own products if you prefer.
Remember to bring some treats to ensure your dog has a positive experience and get WASHING!

Dog Wash Gallery

Tag us in your dog wash photos!